DEA agent Sumiko Dreams gets ready for a night out on an undercover assignment. Her partner Izzabella Robbins walks in after finishing a workout at the gym. Sumiko tells her about her assignment, and takes credit for a previous sting. Izzabella gets angry and complains about everyone knowing Sumiko’s weakness: getting hit in the stomach. Sumiko, defiantly, stands up and puts her hands on her hips. Izzabella wants to prove she’s correct, so she punches Sumiko’s gut, making her double over and dropping to a knee, holding her stomach. She then picks Sumiko up and pushes get against the wall. She taunts Sumiko, sending punch after punch into her midsection, as Sumiko grunts and groans dramatically, doubling over with each hit. But she’s still defiant that her stomach isn’t her weakness. To prove it, Izzabella defies her to resist ten punches whilst standing up, with her hands on her hips, without falling. Sumiko accepts. But after eight punches, she drops back down to a knee, holding her badly beaten stomach. She finally admits her weakness. As she tries to leave, Izzabella punches and throws her into the wall. She continues her one sided beatdown with punches, kicks, knees and claws to the belly. Izzabella punches Sumiko one last time, making her fall to the ground, groaning and holding her stomach.