Hannah Perez and Sumiko Dreams have Sarah Brooke tied to a chair. Sarah informs them that they will regret this. She can’t believe they are doing this to her. Hannah and Sumiko laugh and high five. They walk away leaving Sarah to struggle in her binds. Sarah is strong and she might struggle for a while but she gets the binds loose. Sarah doesn’t leave though she makes sure that she keeps her word. As Sumiko and Hannah walk in they ask how their little trophy is doing and then see that she is no longer tied up. Hannah and Sumiko are surprised but Sarah begins her beatdown. They both try to take her down. Neither one is strong enough to take her down. Once Sarah has gotten them both weak enough and not able to fight anymore she puts both of them to sleep. After she puts them into a body pile Sarah strips them both down to their bra and panties. Lights out bitches!!
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