Showing 1–12 of 198 results


A Buttcrack on Elm Street

Original price was: $10.99.Current price is: $9.99.

Indica just got out of the shower and covers her front with a towel. She drops towel to get changed, when she hears a sound. She asks who’s there, with no answer. She changes into tank top and pajama pants that show her butt. She walks around and finds fridge open and TV on. She receives a phone call from unknown number, answers but only hears breathing. She hangs up, then receives the same phone call. After a third call she gets frustrated. She receives a text message and freaks out. She looks out of window and locks doors. She searches house, then calls the unknown number. The other phone rings inside her house, and she’s shocked. She runs for front door, unlocks it, but before opening door an off screen stalker pulls her down to ground. She crawls away, but stalker grabs her pants. Stalker pulls pants completely off, and Indica gets outside. It’s revealed stalker looks like Indica, as it’s her twin sister who looks demented. She snaps out if it, then talks to camera. Stalker drops pants below her butt and moons camera.


A Close Shave

Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $11.99.

Bitchy boss Hannah Perez arrives homes on a conference call with a bunch of her employees. As usual, she berates them viciously and constantly. Thinking she is safely on a phone call, however, Hannah comes to realize too little too late that she is on a *visual* conference call! Uh oh. Minutes go by as Hannah Perez lets her guard down, undressing in her bathroom down to completely naked and even going to the embarrassing point of shaving her cooch in full spread pose for all to see.

By the time Hannah is able to figure this out, the damage is done. Hannah Perez stands horrified at the screens of people looking back at her, pointing, and laughing hysterically at this once feared, now very humbled, bitch of a boss.


A Day at The Office

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

A day at the office for Indica Fetish entails fixing other people’s mistakes. What wasn’t a normal day is when Indica’s clothes start to disappear and she has no idea what is going on. Boss is exposed and she has no way of finding out where her clothes are disappearing to. Leaving her office is not an option. Indica cannot let her employees see her like this.


A Little Unorthodox

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Nadia White is sneaking into the office after hours. You have had suspicions of her for a while and so you are ready to catch her in the act this time. Nadia enters the room and doesn’t expect to see you. Immediately, she gets defensive and comes up with reasons why she is there. It all sounds like a bunch of excuses, and Nadia White knows this. Clearly, Nadia is facing job loss. This makes her panic. After some negotiation, you and Nadia come to an agreement. She’s not happy about it, but you have The upper hand here. You tell her to strip. Nadia is hesitant. However at the risk of losing her job, she decides she should comply. Nadia slowly removes one piece of clothing at a time. Each time she resists you, all you have to do is remind her that you have the power to take her job from her.


A Messy Party

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

There’s a company event going on, and Hannah Perez is begrudingly attending. Word has it she was passed up for a promotion because her boss decided she’s a lousy coworker, has a bad attitude and doesn’t participate in events enough. She shows up to what she was told a Halloween party — where all her female coworkers are supposed to be showing up in slutty costumes and she is dressed the part. The first one in the room, she notices it doesn’t look like there’s much of a party to be had here. There are no decorations, only some pies on a table. The next one to arrive is Sinn Sage, her rival. Sinn is the one who got HER promotion. The two have an exchange. Hannah learns that she was set up, and is the only one dressed up slutty. She resents this and starts verbally abusing Sinn for this, accusing her of sleeping with the boss to get her promotion. That’s about as much as Sinn is having of this abuse, so she decides to shut her up with a pie to the face! Hannah is stunned, but she continues provoking Sinn and sure enough keeps getting more pies to the face. After many pie-ings, Sinn pretends to be sorry and says she will go get Hannah a change of clothes. Hannah is mortified but strips down out of her slutty costume expecting Sinn to deliver. It turns out though, Sinn is just tricking her. She comes back with more pies! Hannah is helpless and pathetic while Sinn gives her consecutive pies to the face and head. As she’s finishing up, she announces the arrival of more colleagues. Hannah stands there, naked, covered in pie and totally humiliated!


A Proper Lesson

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Hannah Perez is sitting at her desk and calls in Anabelle PYnc, asking her to have a seat. Hannah asks if Anabelle knows why she is in her office this morning. Hannah wants to know why Anabelle has been acting out and bullying in class. Anabelle thinks its funny, Hannah becomes more serious and tells her that it isn’t a laughing matter. Anabelle cant keep it together because she is asked whats the problem. Hannah stands over Anabelle and that was the wrong move. Anabelle pulls Hannah’s pants down, and then gives her a wedgie. Anabelle begins spanking Hannah making a joke of everything. Hannah tells Anabelle that she is going to be in big trouble, then Hannah gets mocked. Anabelle strips Hannah and Hannah has had enough so she returns the favor to Anabelle. Giving Anabelle a lesson in discipline. Anabelle now wants to apologize, but Hannah is ready to give her the lesson she deserves. Hannah gives a proper punishment that fits the crime which is giving Anabelle a wedgie in the front and back. Hannah gets a hairbrush and starts spanking Anabelle, she wants to make sure she stops what she has been doing to everyone else. Hannah wants Anabelle to prove to her that she has learned her lesson. Hannah takes her panties off and tells Anabelle she is going to kiss her ass or she will get expelled. Hannah throws Anabelle’s panties at her feet and tells her to put those on. Hannah starts getting dressed and tells Anabelle she doesn’t get anymore clothing. As part of Anabelle’s punishment she is to go outside in her panties alone and tell the whole school how she knows what a Bitch she has been and she deserves this punishment. Anabelle tries to say she cant go out there naked but she has no other choice. Hannah wants to see video footage.


A Special Assignment

Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $15.99.

Ivy is sitting in the boss’s room working on an assignment that was specifically made for her to do while he is out of town. Ivy’s coworker thinks it’s funny that she is the only one allowed in there when everyone else was told to stay out. So Ivy’s coworker keeps on insisting that they talk about this and Ivy said nothing was going on between her and the boss. Needless to say it isn’t believed because there is proof. Ivy’s coworker is ready to hit publish on her phone and send it to numerous social media accounts. Ivy and the boss are both married just not to each other. Ivy is willing to do anything to make sure those pictures don’t get out. Ivy’s coworker takes full advantage and tells Ivy that she wants all of her clothes, in hand. Ivy agrees but tries to protest after every piece of clothing handed to her coworker. Her coworker is hearing none of it and she is making sure she gets a picture of Ivy after each piece comes off. She makes sure to get a video of Ivy begging once all of her clothes have managed to come off.

Ivy hasn’t seen the last of the coworker, she is going to do as she says and when she says.


Above the Law

Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $16.99.

Misty Lovelace and Luna Lain have found themselves in the slammer …again. In their cell, they stand leaned over the bars chatting with Johan, the guard, and Sheriff Henry Samuels. The ladies are sassing the officers about why they shouldn’t be locked up, they should be set free, they won’t “do it” again, etc. when they are joined by two more petty offenders Hannah Perez and Verronica Kirei. The four of them team up in this for a while, but Mr. Samuels isn’t having it. Finally, he says he’ll let them out if all four of them strip down naked for the men’s amusement. After some whining and resistance from the ladies, they cave. Johan lets them out. They stand in a row side by side while the men make comments about their bodies as they remove the layers. The women are shy and averse to the men’s sexual harrassment, but figure they may not have a better choice of getting out of jail than to entertain them. At Mr. Samuel’s instruction, they shimmy and spin around with their arms up while Johan circles them. Once fully naked, the sheriff order the guards to take them outside. The naked women are forced to leave the building naked. Sheriff Samuels says he will put them to work, and orders the inmates to walk onward. Horrified and vulnerable, they do as they’re told.


Accounts Payable

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

Nikki Brooks is your secretary co-worker. You walk into the office today with a whole pile of dirt on her. Nikki has been embezzling money from the company. Your plan is to confront her and use this opportunity to get something out of her.
You approach Nikki Brooks with the information, and she is immediately defensive. She denies any involvement with this. Nikki tries to manipulate you, saying you should know her better than that after all these years working together.
Several minutes go by, and you finally present her with some very incriminating evidence you have on her. It’s plain as day, and there is no denying it anymore. This being the case, Nikki Brooks is aware that she is in a compromising position. Nikki begins negotiating, asking what you want out of her in order to keep silent. You tell her your terms. “What?!” is how she responds. You tell Nikki to strip naked in front of you. She is obviously speechless, but also realizing the nature of her predicament, Nikki submits to your demand.
Nikki begins stripping out of her business professional clothing, one piece at a time. She is absolutely embarrassed. “So this was your plan all along, huh? To humiliate me?” You nod, and there is nothing she can do about it. Nikki Brooks continues meeting your demands while constantly complaining about how embarrassing this is. She gets down to pantyhose and lingerie. Trying to cover herself up, Nikki doesn’t want to go any further. She gives it one last ditch effort to negotiate with you before you insist that she keep stripping until she is completely nude.
Once she’s naked and you’ve had full satisfaction of her standing in front of you in all her vulnerability, you decide to fuck with her in one last way. You tell her she needs to make a round through the office totally naked, risking being seen and having to explain herself.
Nikki Brooks is not having a good day, but you certainly are!


Adding Injury to Insult

Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $11.99.

Hannah Perez walks into a bougie clothing store expecting service, but what she gets is a whole lotta ‘tude from master bitch saleslady Bella Ink. She asks for help in finding a new outfit for an event, and Bella immediately insults her. “You look like you wear a LARGE.” Hannah totally caught off guard and gets defensive by Bella’s comments. This leads to an argument that escalates into a physical altercation. They begin a catfight that starts with tearing each other’s clothes off, ripping the fabric to shreds while verbally degrading one another. Includes hair pulling, slapping, pantyhose destruction. By the end, they are both a naked humiliated mess as security arrives at the scene. They scramble to cover themselves with the remnants of their outfits and hide in the back closet.


After Class Special

Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $17.99.

Miss Indy(Indica Fetish) is in class after school grading papers for the next day. Hannah Perez comes in telling Miss Indy that she wants to talk to her about something personal. Hannah pulls out her phone which holds pictures, content that Miss Indy is soon about to see. As Miss Indy focuses her eyes on the phone she sees that it contains pictures of herself. Giving oral pleasures to a male student. Miss Indy wonders how Hannah got those, but does that really matter. Hannah has the pictures and Miss Indy is done with unless she listens to what Hannah tells her. Hannah wants Miss Indy to strip out of all of her clothes, meanwhile making comments about what she has done. Only to make Miss Indy more humiliated. There is another student in the class that is in on all of this sitting back and watching. Miss Indy cant believe this is going on, Hannah pleased with what is going on, wasn’t prepared for what was about to happen next. Hannah’s friend decides to pull out the pictures they have of Hannah. Hannah completely mortified, thinking she could confide in her friend, was wrong. Hannah then asks Miss Indy and her friend if they were in on this together. Miss Indy thought that Hannah and her friend were in on it together. But they both were slapped with a change of pace. Hannah now has to get undressed. Hannah completely humiliated has no choice but to do so. Blackmail set against both of them. There is nothing more they can do but to follow orders that are instructed to them.


All Eyes On Her

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

Brittany Shae is proposed with a game of strip trivia at a party full of people. Brittany thinks its a little wild, she isn’t to sure of it. Brittany doesn’t want to be lame so she agrees to the game and goes first. Brittany does not know the answer to the first question, so she loses her shoes. The second question wasn’t answered and Brittany has to lose another piece of clothing, her top. Brittany is wearing a bathing suit though, meanwhile everyone is clapping and hollering. The third question Brittany still doesn’t have an answer. Brittany loses her shorts and she is the first one in her bathing suit, she has a thong bikini. Brittany begins getting nervous, thinking other people were going to be in their bathing suit. Everyone at the party is looking at Brittany’s butt. The fourth question was plain and simple. The fifth question she has no idea. Brittany has to lose her top and everyone is laughing at her. Brittany is embarrassed. The last question she has no idea and she knows she is going to lose her bottoms. The questions being read are purposely hard to embarrass Brittany. Everyone else is cat calling and whistling at Brittany, but she is the only one naked. They are going to take pictures. Brittany doesnt want anyone to take pictures or videos, but she knows everyone is going to see this.