School girls Hannah Perez and Ludella Hahn meet in the gym. They give each other dirty looks and Ludella begins antagonizing Hannah, teasing her for losing her last match to Sumiko. Hannah is confident and challenges Ludella to a boxing match, maintaining her status as champ. They put on their gloves and stare each other down.
Round 1 begins with Ludella dominating. She scores and knocks Hannah down with her repeated jabs. The round is over, but the match has just started.
In round 2, Ludella starts cocky and gets sloppy. Hannah takes advantage of this and gains the upper hand, landing punch after hook after jab. Hannah knocks Ludella down, but she is not out. At the count of 8, Ludella is on her knees. Hannah demands that she get up or else. The bell rings.
In the final round, Ludella is worn out. Hannah dominates again, and takes Ludella down with a winning combo. Ludella is out. Hannah gloats, straddles Ludella and does a double bicep victory pose. Hannah Perez looks into the camera and arrogantly proclaims her victory yet again.
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