Nurse Hannah Perez walks into Veronica Weston’s room, who lays down on bed with straitjacket. Hannah Perez
shushes Veronica Weston and turns around to get pills. Veronica Weston grabs Hannah Perez from behind and
suffocates her with a hand over her mouth. Veronica Weston bends Hannah Perez over the side of bed and strips her
to her thong, then spanks her. She spreads Hannah Perez’s ass cheeks, then undresses herself. She puts white top
and white thong on Hannah Perez and puts on Hannah Perez’s clothes, struggling to put on a pink thong.
Hannah Perez wakes up while Veronica Weston makes herself ready. Veronica Weston stuffs white rag in Hannah
Perez’s mouth and pats her on the head. Male doctor comes in, and Hannah Perez looks in distress, moaning
desperately. Veronica Weston tells the doctor what happened, and Hannah Perez tries talking. Doctor shushes her,
then taps Hannah Perez’s cheek. Veronica Weston stuffs a rag that was left hanging out inside Hannah Perez’s
mouth, and pats her on the head. Then leaves, closing the door behind the doctor. Doctor takes new pills from