Showing 2125–2136 of 2458 results


There’s a Monster in the Closet

Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $11.99.

Hannah Perez is heading off to the bedroom for a nap after a long day. She finishes up a phone conversation with a friend and gets ready to lay down. She does but it’s only a few short moments later that she hears a strange noise coming from outside her room. She brushes it off at first and tries to go back to sleep, but she hears it again. Annoying, she gets up to go investigate. She walks down the hall two the closet where it sounds like it might be coming from period she opens the door. Nothing. But as she gets ready to walk back to bed comma a masked monster stands behind her, reaches overheard neck with a rope and begins choking her. After a long struggle, she . And the next scene, she wakes up in her bed disoriented. Did she dream it? She feels around her neck for signs of this struggle, and realizes it must have happened as her neck is very sore. This time, she re-traces her steps back to the closet. When she opens it, a pet monster is waiting for her. She screams, gets down on hands and knees to plead with it to spare her. The pet monster lunges at her and begins sucking her into its big wide jaw. She kicks and pleads, but it sucks her in any way.
Meanwhile, downstairs, Hannah Perez’s roommate Cali Logan is getting primped in the bathroom when she hears noise from the struggle above her. She walks up the stairs to see what’s going on. She goes straight for the closet and is met by the first masked monster that attacked Hannah. Cali does not back down initially, putting up a small fight, but it’s not long before the monster gets its hands around her neck. She resists for a while, crossing her eyes and going in and out of consciousness. Eventually, she manages to release its grip and turn around and punch the monster, sending him down to the ground. As she’s trying to get away she trips and falls. Weak from the struggle, she continues crawling period She doesn’t have much time. The monster is regaining it’s balanced. But she has another problem. She is crawling right towards another monster! Distracted by the monster behind her, she doesn’t see the monster in front of her and she bumps into it while crawling. The pet monster has been lying in wait for her. It gobbles her up, sucking her in just as it did to its last victim. Cali kicks and moans. Tthe monster is full …and looking forward to any other roommates that may be coming home tonight!


They Really Work!

Original price was: $10.99.Current price is: $9.99.

As you sit there in the waiting room, you happen to sit right next to Bella Ink. No surprise that she is a whole lot bigger then you are. But that is what you are here for. You want your growth treatment. Bella reassures you that you will like it and it really does work. She goes into detail of how they administer the growth treatment and you can pick whatever way is best but the way she went is a lot faster. Bella says she was just a tad bigger then you before she started and she has only gotten three treatments and she is at a big five foot seven inches. It’s worth it. Because well THEY REALLY WORK!!!!


Thief Girl Exposed in Red-Hearts Boxers

Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $13.99.

Ashley is a thief looking to steal a special artifact from a house. She finds remote and presses it, unlocking her belt. Ashley doesn’t realize her pants are falling down. She walks and realizes she’s in her boxers. Looks at camera, smiling and giggles embarrassed while covering. Ashley walks out of scene. Ashley enters room with “Beware: Dog” sign. Sounds of dogs and clothes being ripped are heard. Ashley yells and leaves room in her boxers and bra. Looks at camera, smiling and giggles embarrassed while covering. Ashley walks out of scene. Ashley finds secret box, opens it and finds pair of boxers. She laughs at them, shows them to camera, until she realizes those are her boxers. She smiles and giggles embarrassed. Ashley walks out of scene. Ashley sits on table, making jar tip over and letting a scorpion walk out. Scorpion goes inside her boxers and pinches her butt. Ashley pulls pants down trying to catch scorpion. Scorpion pinches her clit, and she puts a cartoonish pain face. Ashley removes scorpion from boxers and leaves room. Ashley finds artifact, but isn’t aware her pants are falling down. An alarm is heard, and she runs across house in panic, trying to pull pants up. She finds platform with “Teleports Ourtside” sign. She stands on platform and activates it, which makes her t-shirt and pants disappear. She looks at camera, smiles and giggles embarrassed. She activates platform and disappears, but her panties and bra are left behind. Ashley yells from outside at people, enters back at house covering with newspapers. Picks up boxers and bra and leaves.


Thief Vs. Dawg

Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $16.99.

Hannah Perez is a seasoned thief, and this time she has scouted herself a remarkable location. The homeowners are gone as far as she can tell, and the house is in a gorgeous neighborhood. In her fully black outfit and ski mask, she sneaks around the back of the house where she discovers the back door easy enough to jimmy open. Once in, she takes a look around, deciding no one seems to be present, she makes her way around. The living room is first. She scours the room and picks up a few valuables, moving onto the kitchen. She pauses for a moment, thinking she may have heard a noise, but doesn’t hear anything else so she continues her ransacking. Grabbing several items from around the kitchen, she pauses a second time. Now she’s pretty sure she’s heard something coming from a door across the room.

She slowly tiptoes over to the door and listens for any sounds. A note appears from under the door. Hannah is pretty uneasy at this point, but curiosity keeps her around. She communicates with whatever is behind the door and it replies with more notes slipped through the crack. The notes say they know what she is up to, threatening her with getting what’s coming to her for being such a dumb thief. Hannah grows increasingly anxious not knowing what’s behind the door when suddenly, the door flings open! Hannah squeals and runs off. A silly harmless emerges and lets out evil laughter.

Hannah runs back and grabs her loot bag, but as soon as she turns around again, the trips her. She flies forward onto her belly and crawls for the door. The sits back and laughs as Hannah struggles to get up and get the door open. As she’s doing this, the growls and lunges for her butt. It lands its teeth on her butt right through her black sweatpants. She yelps and swats away at it to no avail. The maintains a steadfast grip on her butt cheek and eventually tears a hole in it, revealing very embarrassing heart-print panties underneath.

Finally, she breaks free. She darts to the left through the kitchen with her bag in hand. The chases after her and eventually catches up, this time latching on to her back. Hannah runs towards the front door and back trying to swing it off. What she ends up doing is tripping on herself and taking the down with her. She struggles with the , choking it and getting close up in its face. This backfires when it bites her square in the nose! It sends her reeling back. The laughs, pulling her top up over her head. watching as Hannah gets up and comically tries to find a way out. While she struggles with her top, the pulls her belt off with its teeth, then pulls her pants down to her ankles. Hannah eventually makes a run off in one direction, tripping and KO’ing herself again, ass up in the air.

When she comes to, Hannah is dizzy and confused. She starts crawling towards the front door again hoping to escape without further injury. She has no such luck, though. The appears again, biting down hard onto the bunched up pants around her ankles. She struggles for several more minutes before finally breaking free. She has some words for the . A disgraced mess, Hannah leaves out the front door. The sound of sirens is heard, followed by a brief encounter in which Hannah tries to explain to the police the reason for her current appearance!

Bonus scene: a newspaper clipping reading “Disgraced Thief Caught with Her Pants Down!”

Custom 2017


Thigh High Boot Zippers!!

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Gorgeous seductress Misty Lovelace is here to tease you. You stare at her in her sexy tight black outfit and can’t possibly ignore what else she’s wearing. Thigh high black vinyl boots! Misty knows just how much you love the look of them and especially the sound of the zipper. She puts her legs up on the desk and showcases The sexy pair. Misty Lovelace is well-known To tease but not deny. She encourages you to enjoy yourself. Go ahead, with that dick out. You have her full permission and approval. While you jerk it, Misty is going to put on a show. She Moves slowly and holds poses for you to get a good view well she zips up and zips down. The sound of her boots zippers turns you on so bad … you stroke your dick faster as she zips faster and faster. Misty build you up to a climax as she moves the zippers at lightning speed. The sound of the zipper makes you blow your load as Misty Lovelace counts you down.


Third Time’s Not the Charm

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Wonder Hannah Perez is a hot commodity. Formerly she was captured by a bounty hunter, then sold to the highest bidder. Her first master found her to be too difficult to deal with, so she was sold off for another. Today she is property of Mistress Caroline Summers. Mistress begins shoving a weakened Wonder Hannah into the corner and promising to subdue her. She waves her hand and the heroine is under her control within seconds. Mistress decides to do some slave training. She orders her captive to bark, heel, sit, roll over and she does. While in this manipulated state, the disgraced heroine does all she is told without resistance. But eventually the trance begins to wear off. Wonder Hannah remembers where she is and what is happening here. She tries to fight the domme, but is overpowered. Mistress easily blocks Hannah’s punches and sends a couple her way, weakening her further. She removes her power belt. MIstress now sees why the heroine was surrendered by her former owner. However, this doesn’t make her a quitter. She decides she knows just who to call to help get the situation under control. She walks away with the belt, leaving Wonder trapped in her lair with no chance of escaping.


This is Just the Beginning

Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $21.99.

Cadence Lux is at home and she is dealing with a leak in her ceiling. She has a bucket full of water on a table to catch the drips and it is almost full. There is a knock at her door and it is her friend Ashley Lane. She is very upset. She shows Cadence a picture someone texted her that shows Cadence fucking Ashley’s boyfriend. Cadence denies it and the girls argue for a minute or so. Ashley tells her that she needs to knock her down a peg and humiliate her. She rips Cadence’s dress half off. Cadence Lux doesn’t cover herself. Ashley Lane demands to know WHY she would do this to her. How could she betray their friendship? Cadence continues to deny it. Ashley insists she give her a straight answer. She grabs Cadence and dunks her head in the water. She brings her up for air and demands to know why, repeating this several times. Eventually Cadence asks her who sent the picture. Ashley tells her it was Hannah Perez. On further inspection, they realize the picture has been Photoshopped and this was all a ploy by Hannah to drive a wedge between the two. They realize they must team up to defeat their common enemy.

Hannah Perez is at her catering shop putting together 20 pies and a big bowl of Hershey’s Syrup. Cadence Lux and Ashley Lane enter and confront her. They tell Hannah she will pay for her hubris. Ashley grabs her from behind and Cadence goes to her bag and pulls out a can of sleepy stuff and a handkerchief. Cadence Lux gives Hannah Perez a speech that she always seems to win these fights but not this time because she can’t win if she’s out! Cadence goes on for a minute or so while Hannah keeps trying to wriggle out of Ashley’s grasp. Just as Cadence is about to smother Hannah, she breaks free and punches at Ashley until she falls down. Hannah goes over to a shocked Cadence. She knocks the can out of her hand. Cadence tries to calm a infuriated Hannah down, but she knows what is coming next. Hannah rips Cadence’s dress half off. They argue for about 2 minutes as Ashley Lane begins to revive and stand up.

Ashley grabs Hannah again like before. Cadence picks up the items and prepares to smother her enemy. Hannah wriggles while Cadence gives another speech. After a minute or two, Hannah gets free and once again puts Ashley Lane out of commission. A terrified Cadence Lux tries to surrender but Hannah says this is just the beginning. She again knocks the bottle to the floor and grabs Cadence and dunks her head in the chocolate syrup. Cadence tries to surrender again but gets dunked …again.

Suddenly, Ashley recovers and grabs Hannah again. Cadence grabs the bottle and believes she now has the upper hand. She starts another speech as Hannah tries to get free. Ashley hollers at her to SKIP THE SPEECH and just do it! They bicker about this for a couple minutes. Hannah gets free and begins to catfight both women.

After several minutes, Ashley shouts that both Hannah and Cadence are fuck ups and they deserve one another. They flank Ashley and rip her dress completely off. This begins a pie war between Ashley Lane and Cadence Lux, and Hannah Perez also pie-ing them each repeatedly.

Towards the end, Hannah takes another pic and tweets it. Ashley once again gets Hannah in her grasp and Cadence grabs the bottle. This time, Hannah is exhausted and doesn’t fight. Cadence gives YET ANOTHER speech. But when she goes to KO Hannah, she realizes all of it has spilled out and just admits defeat. Hannah gloats at yet another humiliation for Cadence and Ashley. She walks off screen while Cadence and Ashley bicker as to who was at fault for this catastrophe.

Custom 2020


This is what you get, Slut!

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

The video starts with Hannah Perez walking in on Nyxon during her lunch break. Hannah comes at Nyxon blazing accusing her of “stealing” her promotion. She points out that she wears excessive makeup and acts flirtatious with the men in the office. Nyxon resents the remark and she tells Hannah to leave her alone. But Hannah won’t leave without a fight. She grabs Nyxon by the wrist and picks her up off her chair, and gives her a punch to the crotch! Nyxon is shocked, but she gives it right back to Hannah, and the two begin a cunt busting brawl that seems to never end, until one of these girls really gets hers in the end. Lots of punching, kicking, and low blows! Custom 2015


This is what you get, Slut!

Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $13.99.

The video starts with Hannah Perez walking in on Nyxon during her lunch break. Hannah comes at Nyxon blazing accusing her of “stealing” her promotion. She accuses Nyxon of wearing excessive makeup and being flirtatious with the men in the office. Nyxon resents the remark and she tells Hannah to leave her alone. But Hannah won’t leave without a fight. She grabs Nyxon by the wrist and picks her up off her chair, and gives her a punch to the crotch! Nyxon is shocked, but she gives it right back to Hannah, and the two begin a cunt busting brawl that seems to never end, until one of these girls really gets hers in the end. Lots of punching, kicking, and low blows!


This Never Ends Well

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Kat Van Wylder is in a series of mini clips where she gets taken out after trauma happens to her belly. She rolls around until she fades away. She is in her bikini or bra and panties.