Showing 121–127 of 127 results


White Raven Betrayed and Outnumbered

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Vindica (Sumiko Dreams) has taken White Raven’s (Hannah Perez) sidekick, Hexxa (Jolene Hexx), and has turned Hexxa into a henchgirl. Hexxa joins Vindica to double-team White Raven in a brutal 2-on-1 beatdown.



White Raven Vs Vindica: Survival of the Cruelest

Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $15.99.

White Raven has come to take Vindica down. White Raven and Vindica look evenly matched at first as they go back and forth, but just when it looks like White Raven is going to prevail, Vindica takes a pill that gives her a massive boost of strength. Then Vindica completely dominates White Raven and enjoys taking the sexy heroine apart.


White Raven’s Weakness

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Hannah Perez (as White Raven) arrives to her house from a night out undercover. Hannah finds Lora Cross (as a villain) sitting inside. Lora says she’s been sent to discover her identity, and that she knows White Raven’s weakness. Hannah defies her, but then Lora punches her on the stomach. Hannah doubles over in pain, as Lora discovered her weakness. Lora keeps punching at Hannah, throwing her against a wall without a chance to fight back. Lora mocks how White Raven is dressed, and beats her. Finally, Lora shows her own power, sending bolts of electricity through Hannah, who yells and grunts dramatically. Video ends with Lora walking away to find something to tie Hannah, while she lies out on ground.


Wonder Hannah Conquered by the Seductress

Original price was: $25.99.Current price is: $24.99.

Hannah (as Wonder Hannah) encounters Christina (the Seductress). They talk trash and start fighting. Hannah tries catching Christina, who dodges Hannah’s attacks and mocks her. Hannah, tired, angry and worried about not catching Christina, stops and tries to recover. Christina lets bathrobe fall and reveals belly dance outfit, surprising Hannah with her beauty. Christina performs hypnotic belly dance. Hannah tries resisting but is hypnotized, going weaker and weaker. Hannah stands passively and aroused, Christina removes Hannah’s clothes (except tiara and bracelets), kissing her body and making Hannah aroused. When Christina tries removing Hannah’s tiara and bracelet, Hannah mentally fights back. Christina puts Hannah to sleep.

In a bedroom, Hannah awakes on bed. Christina enters wearing bathrobe, and lets it fall. She applies oil on her own body and massages Hannah’s whole body. Then Christina gives Hannah a missionary trip, with lots of kissing. Hannah moans, surrendering totally. Christina sits on Hannah, removes her bracelets and tiara, making Hannah moan. Christina puts on tiara and poses in triumph, while Hannah admires her beauty


Wonder Hannah’s Bad Boxing Day

Original price was: $25.99.Current price is: $24.99.

Wonder Hannah enters the room where Lucy Purr is waiting for her. They both have their boxing gloves on already. Wonder Hannah walks up to her, overflowing with confidence, “So let me get this straight” she says to her opponent, “If I beat you in this boxing match, you will show me where you’ve hidden the money and let me take you to jail?”
“That’s right, Wonder Hannah ” Lucy says with a smile “Take me down and I’ll reveal ALL my secrets.”
“Alright” Wonder Hannah replies, “but you do understand I am super human, right?”
“I guess we’ll see just how SUPER you are. Are you ready?”
“Let’s do this, you’re going down!” Wonder Hannah says with a big smile, as she puts her gloves up ready to fight.
They square off, as the fight begins Wonder Hannah takes a few big swings at Lucy, overconfident that she could finish this match quickly, but Lucy easily ducks the be would haymakers and counter punches Wonder Hannah in the gut, doubling her over, stopping her in her tracks and leaving her open for a big uppercut. The uppercut crushes Wonder Hannah sending her flying to the mats. Wonder Woman lands on her back spread eagled, with her eyes rolled back into her head and twitching. Lucy is quick to gloat, asking Wonder Woman what happened and telling her to get back up. the superheroine is completely punch drunk but somehow manages to stumble back to her feet.
Wonder Hannah is out on her feet, arms hanging limp at her sides as she stumbles around. Lucy Purr is excited to see Wonder Hannah is already defeated, but this fight is just getting started. Lucy spends time beating the life out of Wonder. Wonder Hannah is quickly weakened, but that doesn’t stop Lucy from picking her up off the ground, holding her up and continuing to rain punches down on the defenseless heroine. Every time Wonder Hannah is allowed to fall, she’s twitching with her tongue out and her eyes rolled back in her head.
After this first brutal beatdown, Lucy Purr goes to retrieve a large box. She explains that she’s going to box Wonder Hannah up and sell her to the highest bidder. She then picks up the limp, twitching Wonder Hannah and folds her into the box. Lucy leaves to handle something else. While Lucy is gone, Wonder slowly wakes up and somehow manages to free herself from the container. Just as she finally gets free Lucy returns. She’s excited to see that Wonder Hannah wants more beating and is happy to do that. Lucy Purr easily knocks the superheroine out cold with just a few punches. She then decides that a little humiliation is just what Wonder Hannah needs, so she strips her of her costume, leaving her naked aside from her boots and her boxing gloves.
Lucy takes another turn delivering another one sided, ragdoll beating on the poor heroine. Finally, Lucy claims to have wasted enough time and energy on this beatdown and decides to wrap this up. With a few punches to the face and body of the twitching Wonder Hannah, Lucy makes sure she’s out this time. She then picks up the limp superheroine and stuffs her back into the box. Lucy Purr puts the lid on and leaves her again.


WrestlaGirl Sumiko Vs Hannah

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Sumiko and Hannah slap hands and start wrestling. Sumiko takes first fall, Hannah the second one, and then Sumiko starts dominating Hannah with different moves (surfboard, grapevine pin, straddle pin, schoolgirl pin) until she gets Hannah to submit the match. Sumiko sits on Hannah, bragging about everyone she has already beaten.