Showing 61–69 of 69 results


Wonder Hannah in Therapy Pt 3

Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $17.99.

Wonder Hannah is snuffed out again. This time Wonder Hannah is all tied up in the backseat of a car… with who else other than Panzon driving!! With Wonder Hannah all snuggly tight, and getting hornier, Hannah teases Panzon the whole car ride, until they stop somewhere… Panzon opens the back door and pulls out a white cloth just specially for Wonder Hannah. Panzon sends Wonder Hannah into a woozy trance before untying Hannah’s ankles and letting her out of the car.

The still horny and still tied up Wonder Hannah leads Panzon to a bed where she then mounts him for dry humping. Wonder Hannah lets Panzon have his way with her. Panzon removes Hannah cleave gag and then hand-over-mouth smothers her all the way to Wonder Hannah’s climax. Once she’s all done, Panzon snuffs out Wonder Hannah all over again… all the way to pass out this time. What other ways with Panzon have his way with the tied up Wonder Hannah??


Wonder Hannah Vs. Panzon

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $18.99.

The game continues. Wonder woman (Hannah Perez) walks into finding you helplessly bound where you’ve been left captive. She’s come to save you. She walks up to you and acknowledges you, telling you how easy it was to knock out the guards on her way in. She pulls out a white rag and asks if they used that to knock you out. You shamefully admit to it while she mocks you. WW tosses the rag and it lands in your lap. She walks up to you and undoes your wrist ties. She then kneels down to untie your ankles. As she is doing this, you grab the wrong and prepare to use it on her. She looks up unsuspectingly and now that you are free you plant it over her mouth and nose. You get up to cradle her as she goes down, then enjoy a nice long session of the lovely superheroine limp and asleep on the couch including plenty of fondling and some ragdolling. Eventually she begins to wake up, and you put her out one more time.

The next scene opens after you have tied her and gagged her to a chair. You spent several minutes admiring her limp body, circling around and caressing her pantyhose legs. You leave for a while. While you’re gone she wakes up, and begins struggling and mmmphing through her gag. She does this for several minutes before you walk back in. She gag talks telling you that this is “very funny” but That it’s time to let her go. After some convincing, she believes that you will ungag her and let her go. But there is no such luck for the superheroine today. You intend to take full advantage of her bound and compromised state, and continue feeling her up. The game isn’t over yet for Wonder Woman and Panzon…


Wonder Hannah’s Charity Photoshoot 4K

Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $11.99.

Wonder Hannah aka Hannah Perez has arrived on set for her charity photoshoot. She tries to make small chit chat while she does some posing. She fixes her lasso on her belt and then the lights go out shortly after. That is the only thing to keep Wonder Hannah strong. When the lights come back on Wonder Hannah is missing. But we heard the thud. Her belt was dropped and she was surprisingly taken. We see the masked man put his hand over Wonder Hannah’s mouth. He doesn’t let her go knowing that she is in her most vulnerable state. He gets Hannah in her resting state. He then ties her legs together after her arms have already been tied to her and then drags her away after a long struggle. Wonder Hannah tried to fight it, but without her belt she is weak.


Wonder Woman Detained

Original price was: $26.99.Current price is: $25.99.

Hannah Perez is laying on her bed talking on the phone talking about the uneasy feeling she has towards her stalker. She says she is far to smart for him and she will catch him, she doesn’t think he will get to her. It’s late so she gets off of the phone and begins putting her clothes on starting with her pantyhose. Hannah now has her business attire on and her stalker comes behind her putting his hand over her mouth with a white rag. Hannah struggles but he is too strong for her. He lifts and carries her to her couch. He removes her shoes and lifts her skirt, then Hannah begins to wake up. He puts her back to sleep. He checks her eyes to see she is out and moves her mouth open and closed. He has extra pantyhose that he gags Hannah with and puts a pair around her eyes. Hannah continues to wake up through the whole encounter and struggles to try and get away from her stalker. He then takes her to her room and removes her clothes, he continues to check her eyes through out their meeting and puts the white rag over her mouth to keep her from waking. Hannah struggles but he over powers her consistently. He then removes her bra so that he can fondle her breast. He leaves the room after he makes her completely naked and she wakes up. Hannah proceeds to put her Wonder Woman costume on. He comes back when she is done wondering what is going on. He proceeds to put her into a bear hug after she tells him that he wont get away with what he is doing. The stalker gets Wonder Hannah back to sleep. They fight and struggle while she is still overpowered. waking up constantly and he puts her to sleep. He removes her costume and then carries her to another room. He places her on the table and begins examining her. He tells her not to fight it over the very long process of putting her to sleep and her waking up. He strips her entirely and lifts and carries her to a new destination.


Wonder Woman Gone Bad 4K

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $18.99.

Sumiko Dreams as Batgirl is looking at her emails and she is getting udates on Wonder Woman, Hannah Perez. Aparently she has started doing bad all around and she is taken over by an evil master mind. As Batgirl is reading Wonder Woman walks in and they begin to fight. Batgirl doesn’t want to fight her because she knows Wonder Woman isn’t herself but she has no choice. Batgirl can tell Wonder Woman is a lot stronger in this form. Batgirl gives the best blows she can to try and get her to snap out of it, but it isn’t working.

Wonder Woman is relentless with the punches to the face, belly punches and cunt busting moves. Batgirl wont stand a chance especially when she is weak to the floor and Wonder Woman’s truth lasso comes out. Wonder Woman asks Batgirl what her deepest fears are. Once Wonder Woman gets those three fears out of Batgirl she can’t wait to have fun with her.

Wonder Woman gets Batgirl tied up to a chair and makes sure she has fun with her for a while with all of her fears. Wonder Woman taunts Batgirl the whole time asleep or awake Batgirl doesn’t stand a chance against this Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman puts Batgirl to sleep again and decides to untie her from the chair only to put her into a closet. Wonder Woman undresses Batgirl and ties her to the chair again. This time seeing Batgirl’s true identity. Wonder Woman continues to have fun with Sumiko and taunting her is her main objective. Seeing how Sumiko can’t fight her way out of the situation.


Wonder Woman’s BFF

Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $17.99.

Wonder woman, (Hannah Perez) meets with her best friend, Lucy Purr, to help brush up on her hero skills. Unbeknownst to Wonder Woman, the place is getting filled with aphrodisiac gas and Lucy has a secret fantasy for her.

Wonder Woman’s BFF offers a new twist to the training. She convinces Wonder Woman to let her use a white fume-filled rag against her to help even the odds. Wonder Woman agrees, believing that this is just for fun.

On Lucy’s first attempt, Wonder Woman holds her breath and tosses Lucy away. Lucy comes back at Hannah a second time before Wonder Woman can inhale fresh air. As they struggle Wonder Woman starts to get lightheaded due to lack of oxygen. Wonder woman forces the rag from her mouth and starts to inhale. Just at that moment, Lucy grabs Wonder Woman’s breast. This catches Wonder Woman off guard, and the rag slips back over her mouth as she inhales. She continues to hold her breath while getting weaker. Finally, Wonder Woman breaks free and pins Lucy.. Strangely wonder woman catches herself caressing Lucy, then stops.

The ladies get up. Wonder Woman is extremely lightheaded and horny and tries to leave. BFF Lucy Purr spins her around and slaps the rag in her face followed by a quick crotch shot. She inhales deep as her eyes roll back and she is out.

After a couple of failed attempts to rag Wonder Woman, BFF Lucy Purr has succeeded.

Wonder Woman comes to with her golden lasso around her hands cuffed behind her back.

Confused, she asks Lucy why she’s restrained why was she so horny? Lucy orders her to standup she starts to caress her prize. She asks wonder woman if the fumes turns her on and she fights not to answer OH GOD YES!!! Lucy Purr begins to tell her best friend Hannah Perez how she’s been planning this for a very long time.

She commands Wonder Woman to be unable to climax with anyone but her and they would have to be in perfect synchronization. As her BFF continues playing with Wonder, she explains that she intends to keep Wonder Woman in a perpetual state of denial forcing her Amazon body to compress all of her power into a super orgasm; thus, transferring her powers to Lucy.

Lucy starts to play with Wonder Woman. She just cannot resist a taste of her tits. As she starts to suck on them, she discovers that they are producing a milk of pure power. This also drives Wonder Woman into a higher arousal level.

After plenty of activity with her BFF, Wonder Woman collapses, begging Lucy to take her.

Lucy orders Wonder Woman to get up and leads her to the bedroom.

They enter the bedroom and immediately get busy. Lucy and Hannah begin making out, followed by some hot and heavy scissor action between the ladies. After long, they orgasm simultaneously,

followed by a flash, which leaves Wonder Woman weak as a kitten and her Lucy Purr strong as a god! The scene repeats over the course of many days. Wonder Woman is so weak, she begs Lucy for more power to be transferred back to her. Hannah Perez is desperate and begins trying to seduce Lucy. After holding out on her for some time, Lucy Purr gives in, repeating the cycle!

Custom 2020


Yoga Rival

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $18.99.

Hannah Perez is a jealous yoga contender and wants to do something about her rival, Sumiko Dreams

Scene 1 Sumiko Dreams is stretching on the floor, when Hannah Perez sneaks into the apartment. Hannah attacks Sumiko by applying armchoke/handsomether. Sumiko rolls eyes and convulses, until she goes limp.

Scene 2 Hannah Perez is waiting for Sumiko Dreams in the apartment. Sumiko arrives, and as she removes her shoes, Hannah attacks her applying armchoke/handsomether. Sumiko’s eyes roll, and Hannah sits her on the floor, smothering Sumiko until she goes limp.

Scene 3 starts with Sumiko Dreams sitting on the couch. Hannah Perez sneaks into the apartment, and attacks Sumiko, hitting her with a metal stick. Hannah smothers Sumiko with both hands. Sumiko’s eyes roll and she convulses, spreading her toes.



Yoga Rival II

Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $17.99.

Sumiko Dreams stretches on the floor with a yoga mat. Hannah Perez sneaks into the apartment and watches Sumiko Dreams stretch from behind. She grabs Sumiko Dreams applying armchoke/handsmother, and Sumiko Dreams struggles. Her eyes roll and she gasps for air. Sumiko Dreams convulses and then goes unconscious. Hannah Perez keeps smothering her until she stops convulsing. She then snaps Sumiko Dreams’s neck, and Sumiko Dreams twitches until she goes limp. This scene is rotated, then rotated again with an added food worship at the end.

Sumiko Dreams changes her clothes in her bedroom. As she is about to pick up her yoga tights, Hannah Perez attacks her with a double neck stunner, smothering Sumiko Dreams with both hands. Sumiko Dreams struggles, her eyes roll. Hannah Perez brings Sumiko Dreams down sitting on the floor and keeps smothering her. Sumiko Dreams convulses, then goes limp. This scene is rotated, then rotated again with an added food worship at the end.

Sumiko Dreams is about to go out for a walk. She is about to put on shoes, when Hannah Perez attacks her from behind with an armchoke/handsmother. Sumiko Dreams struggles, and starts convulsing, with her eyes rolling. Even though Sumiko Dreams stops convulsing, Hannah Perez keeps smothering her for a little longer. Sumiko Dreams twitches. This scene is rotated, then rotated again with an added food worship at the end.


You’ll Always Zombie My Baby

Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $23.99.

Sumiko Dreams and Anastasia Rose, carrying bags of supplies, hide outside a building, keeping an eye out for zombies. They make a break for a house and make it inside.
Once inside the house, they regroup, putting down the bags of supplies. They take off their overskirts and check to see if they’re still in good condition. They are mad they got separated from the group, blaming each other. They get in each other’s face, shoving and pushing each other. Sumiko Dreams hears zombies and ends the argument, but Anastasia Rose doesn’t like it. She grabs an object, and as Sumiko Dreams walks away she hits her over the head, then tackles her. They wrestle desperately around the room for a bit, punching, slapping, hairpulling, pushing each other’s faces away, biting, hom and rolling. Sumiko Dreams finally gets the best of Anastasia Rose, straddling her. Suddenly, Hannah cocks a gun, holding it to Sumiko Dreams’s head. She interrogates her for a moment, then hears zombies. She hits Sumiko Dreams with the gun, knocking her out. Anastasia Rose screams and trips Hannah. They fight over the gun on the floor, rolling around. Anastasia Rose disarms Hannah, and they fight more intensely. They ram into walls, roll around, scratch, punch, kick, choke, pull hair, choke hold, strangle, eye gouge and smother each other. Hannah rams Anastasia Rose’s head into the ground and runs for the gun. But Anastasia Rose grabs her ankle, and as Hannah is face down she crawls on top of her and gets the gun. Hannah grabs Anastasia Rose’s hand and they fight for the gun, slowly rolling and struggling. Anastasia Rose straddles Hannah body to body and they fight for the gun, until it goes off between them. They look at each other, and Anastasia Rose falls off, shot. Sumiko Dreams wakes up to see this and moans. Hannah fires a couple of shots at her, but Sumiko Dreams takes cover. They hear zombies about to break in. Hannah smiles and takes off with the bag of goods. Sumiko Dreams comes out to see she’s gone, furious. She realizes Anastasia Rose is reanimating, takes out a knife and kills her before she becomes a zombie. She vows revenge and rushes off.