Showing 325–336 of 482 results


Punishment for Snooping

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Macy Nikole is sitting at her laptop ready to push through her emails. She just has to focus and it will get done. Macy comes up to an email that she knows for sure she didn’t read… or that one. Someone has been messing with her emails.

Oh but she spots you and she sees you hiding and giggling in the corner. Are you the one behind this? Did you have something to do with going through Macy’s email. Well for being such an annoying little brother it’s going to happen again. Macy is going to make you a tiny little nothing. She doesn’t care that you aren’t ready. She is tired of you going through her business. You are the equivalent to a piece of dirt. A tiny littl epiece of nothing. If she wanted to she could put you in between her fingers and just squish you. She told you to stay out before she thought you would have learned your lesson. What are all the girls in class going to think about you being the size of a piece of rice. Macy’s thumb nail is bigger then you. There are a lot of scenarios that can have you crushed.

Macy knows that she must pull everything out to get you to understand that privacy should be respected and not gone through. You are just so small she could just go in her mouth and be crunched around. She then could feel you slide down her throat. She knows you wouldn’t survive her chomp. You tell her you get it but she just doesn’t think get it yet. The parents will never know. But you could avoid all this by being good and keeping your hands to yourself. Macy wants to know if you two have an understanding because this time it is just a warning. Next time she will be squishing you. You better be on your best behavior because will be the last time she brings you up to size. SCRAM.


Pussy Destruction 2

Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $15.99.

Hannah Perez comes into view and she begins to talk about herself. She says she is a slut and a whore. Her pussy has always been cock hungry and she would seduce men to be able to have sex with them. Hannah was very proud of her beautiful pussy. She knows that its such a beautiful pussy. Hannah couldn’t help but to show it off. One encounter with a man that had a very large cock changed everything for Hannah. It was so nice that she couldn’t just do a one night stand with him she kept coming back for a week. But he had a nasty girlfriend and well…. she caught the two of them.

While Hannah was sleeping this girl had moved her into a cellar and had Hannah tied up with her legs spread wide open. Hannah was wearing nothing but her sexy panties. Hannah woke up to a sharp pain in her breasts. She looks up to see this crazy girl and she was just grabbing at Hanah’s breast like she was trying to crush them. This woman was ready to destroy Hannah’s pretty pink pussy. Hannah pleads with this girl. There was no hope.


Put on the Spot

Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $13.99.

Tilly McReese and Dhestiny are contestants for a game show that is airing live in 17 different countries. They are up for a surprise to see what they have to do. As soon as the host tells them that they have to get naked in order to win the jackpot they become hesitant. The host goes further to say that the jackpot is the highest it has ever been. She asks if they would like to know how much they could win. Of course they want to know and they are told 7 figures. Time to make some clothes disappear. They both get naked and they slowly do so. But, once they finish there was something to come up that they both didn’t expect. They are told that this is the first round to the game to see who the winner could be. Then they are told to hang out for a bit, naked. The host grabs Tilly’s and Dhestiny’s clothes… for further inspection.


Putting Sumiko Down

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $18.99.

This is a compilation of Sarah Brooke and Sumiko Dreams getting riddled and dominating the other. Their bodies shaking and being dominated. They each come behind one another and riddle the others until they go down in a limp pile. They have their gloves, machines and their arm hair. But watch how they all get turned on without a shadow of a doubt. Someone is going down.


Quitting Hooters

Original price was: $10.99.Current price is: $9.99.

Hannah Perez was just about to leave to go to work. Mind you she works at Hooters and you already knew this. As she walks up she sees you and she knows what you try to do. You have been creeping around her house for some time now. And she has no problem holding this over your head. Do you want her to tell your grandparents that you live with? Or should you just get a job or maybe perhaps hers to take care of her. Hannah has security footage around her house she knows you have been looking for a way in. Only imagining to sniff her panties. You have a long road ahead of you and it won’t be working with idle hands much longer.


Real Estate Agent Sadie Shows All

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

Real estate agent Sadie holmes is showing you a house. She ushers you around and you follow her into one of the bedrooms. You have ulterior motives in soliciting her help. You really just want to overpower and humiliate Sadie Holmes.
You catch her by surprise, and when Sadie turns around, you have her by force. She is shocked and panics. “What are you doing?”, she asks. But you ask the questions, not her. Sadie will do whatever you say in this compromising situation.
You instruct Sadie homes to remove her clothes. Of course she resists this. Conflicted, she tries to defy you. But this doesn’t work for long. All you have to do is flash your power at her and Sadie obeys. One at a time and very slowly, Sadie strips down to nude. You watch her as she tries to cover up, whimpering in embarrassment, shame and fear.
Once Sadie is fully nude you’re still not done with her. You coerce her to lay down on the bed. You begin to amuse yourself with Sadie‘s body. Whenever she whimpers, you remind her who’s boss and she falls silent. Finally, you get tired of hearing even the slightest muffled sounds from her. You wrap your arms around her neck and choke her out. With her eyes heavy and her body limp, you can do it whatever you want with her now. You run your hands up and down her body, until you I’ve had enough of the foreplay. You finally pull your pants down and start fucking her. What do you know? Not a single complaint from Sadie homes!


Remote Control Wife and Friend

Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $17.99.

Veronica Weston and Hannah Perez return from a fashion model tour and sit on the couch to chat with Nick (POV). They both talk a lot, and POV uses a special remote control to fast forward and rewind them. They both talk about being saved from psychopaths, while POV fast forward and rewinds them. Hannah Perez has to leave. She hugs Veronica Weston and leaves. Veronica Weston gets ready for a date, blows kisses to POV and leaves. POV rewinds back to before they enter, both of them unaware of being rewound.


Remote Controlled Girlfriend

Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $17.99.

Sumiko enters her house to see her boyfriend for date night. She starts talking about her day, but he uses a special remote to fast forward and rewind her. He does this several times. Sumiko notices the remote, but her boyfriend rewinds her so she forgets about it. Sumiko talks about a present he gave her, and the boyfriend rewinds her to see her reaction several times. Sumiko says she has to get dressed and walks away, and the boyfriend rewinds her to before she entered room. Sumiko enters once again, and he fast forwards her as video ends.


Repeat Offender

Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $15.99.

This features several mini scenes of jungle girl (Hannah Perez) meeting her demise at your hands (POV)! Each time, the scene opens with a topless g-string- clad jungle girl running for escape or scouring her environment and ready to attack, but she is never met with fortune. She takes multiple shots to the belly and chest which cause her to flail, bend, arch, and twist before falling into a limp pile. In the very last scene, a change of attack occurs. Jungle girl has been stretched out with arms tied up overhead. This gives you the perfect opportunity to make direct belly contact over and over with some quick jabs For an interesting change of pace!


Reporter Sumiko Hands On Experience

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

An executive has gone missing and Reporter Sumiko Dreams wants to write a story about it. Sumiko in her suave nature manages to convince the main janitor of the building to let her sneak into the executive’s office… and to dumpster dive for evidence the police may have forgotten. Sumiko’s alluring attitude must have worked because the janitor hands over a garbage bag–containing several ropes, a bandana, woman’s clothes, and a mysterious folded white cloth.

Sumiko has a hypothesis that these ropes were used in the crime of the missing executive. Sumiko asks the janitor to help her prove her hypothesis by tying her up with the ropes. The janitor nods in agreement, and Sumiko quickly strips down to her undergarments, and early awaits to get tied up. Once the janitor is done tying up and gagging Sumiko, she struggles a bit to curiously test the bondage. The janitor removes the gag and lets Sumiko speak. Sumiko affirms that this has to be the exact evidence used in the crime against Mrs. Executive.

Sumiko is only confused about one thing… what is the folded white cloth? The janitor suggests that Sumiko smell it to find out. When Sumiko obliges, she comments that it smells weird, and wants another whiff. Before you know it, Sumiko is out, snoring, and the janitor nicely puts Sumiko’s cleave gag back in before getting a closer look of the bondage bound beauty.


Reporter Sumiko Hands On Experience

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $18.99.

Sumiko is captured by janitor, who hand gags her into submission. Sumiko passes out. She awakes being duct taped to a chair. Sumiko pesters janitor, who gets annoyed and gags her with cloth and duct tape. Janitor gets a vibrator and teases Sumiko with different levels of intensity. Hannah, the janitor’s supervisor, hears noises coming from the janitor’s room and investigates. She enters and gets turned on by what the janitor is doing to Sumiko. Hannah makes the janitor leave to take over for him. Janitor leaves. Sumiko screams, but Hannah hand gags her and turns on vibrator. Hannah fondles Sumiko’s breasts. Hannah receives a phone call and leaves, kissing Sumiko. Sumiko frees herself and hides behind a door. Hannah enters, and Sumiko catches her from behind and hand gags her. They struggle and Hannah passes out. Sumiko ties Hannah to a chair with rope and puts a duct tape wrap gag on her mouth. Sumiko dongles Hannah’s breasts and kisses her covered lips. Sumiko uses vibrator on Hannah. Sumiko calls janitor and tells him she’ll seek revenge. Hannah feels all sorts of sensations from vibrator.