Showing 13–24 of 71 results


Cadence Taken

Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $17.99.

Suddenly the door is opened and Cadence Lux is pushed inside by unseen hands. The door closes behind her.

“Hey! Whoa! What the fuck?” Cadence says as she stumbles forward. As she gets her balance, Cadence walks directly over to the closed door and tries to open it. It’s locked.

“What the hell is going on? Let me outta here! Who the fuck are you and what do you want from me?” There is no answer. Finally Cadence gives up trying to open the locked door and looks around.

“This doesn’t look like anyplace I’ve been before”. Finally Cadence Lux starts to settle down, her predicament unknown. sighs… “I’ve got a bad feeling about this…”

Wincing in pain from a sudden strange headache, Cadence’s body suddenly stiffens, her mouth opens and her arms jerk out as an invisible energy flows between her and her unseen possessor. She yelps and shrieks a bit, as her mind gets yanked out of her body and her benefactor gets pushed into her form. After a number of seconds Cadence seems to faint.

A few seconds later, Cadence wakes up very abruptly with a sudden deep breath. Eyes wide! Looks down at herself. “Holy Shit! IT WORKED!” – she’s surprised by her own voice grabs at her neck and mouth surprised by the voice coming out of her body. “Hello? Hello? Hi I’m Cadence, it’s very nice to meet you!” Cadence experiments with her new voice.

Cadence stands up quickly and notices her new curves and gropes at her chest .“Whoa…. It’s a little weird being you, weird but so cool too. Mmmm…. I think I REAAAALLY like my new body! Too bad you wouldn’t pay much attention to me before. Your attitude was a defining factor in choosing you, plus I really like the outfit.”

She continues to check out her new body’s curves – “mmm yeah…. I gotta see your boobs…” lifts the front of the sweater and feels herself up “oh yeah! These are AMAZING! And their MINE! Bra is going to take a little getting used to though.”

“Let’s see you ladies without the bra shall we? How do you girls do that without taking off your top?” She fidgets a bit and finally removes her bra without taking off the turtleneck… “Hmm… that’s a bit better… I feel like I can breathe now! Wow, these are more sensitive than I thought…”

Suddenly a phone goes off… “Damn it! Now what.” Cadence locates a phone hidden in the room but not being the real Cadence knows exactly where to look, picks it up. “Yes? What do you mean she’s fighting the swap? How’s that possible? You promised… you guaranteed me a new young body not having to fight her for control…” pauses “Well fix it quick! If this isn’t stable how do expect to use the process yourself? Figure it out!” Hangs up angrily. “Ugh… I’m NOT giving up this bodu without a fight.”

Cadence starts to pull down her pants/skirt and check out her new anatomy when suddenly she starts to feel the pain in her head again. Cadence’s body stiffens and trembles again, and she switches bodies back..

Cadence now back in her own body realizes she’s partially undressed. “I’m me again!!!” Notices the bra nearby and the state of her clothes..“What the hell???” Pulls the sweater back down and her pants/skirt back up… “Was that guy me?!” Oh my god! How is that possible!” She pats herself down to check that she was really herself “My tits are back”, smiling and then reaching her empty crotch “That was weird – I had a dick! I was a dude!”

“Oh my god! No! If I was him I think he was me!” Cadence Lux looks around panicking, “I’ve got to get outta here before it happens again! I don’t want to be a dude” Tries the door but it still won’t open.

“NO! NO! NO! PLEASE!!!” Her head throbs, she collapses in a corner, and they swap again.

As Cadence Lux awakens a smile crosses her face “I’m BACK! YES!” She pats herself down quickly “I can tell just by the way the sweater fits” plays with the collar “I’m her again, for good I hope.”

The phone rings… “Did you sedate her? I mean him? Good. You can keep her like that indefinitely right? Good. Then get up here and let me out….” Pauses “Ok make sure she won’t wake and do your tests then let me out… make sure you knock first though. I might be busy.” Cadence smirks at you, and hangs up.

“Now where was I? Oh yeah…” Cadence pulls down her bottoms and keeps sweater on but can lift up over her chest. Cadence continues checking herself out for a few minutes, gropes her chest, squeezes her butt, runs her hands down over her crotch, masturbates.

Cadence as this male in her body takes her time and explores this beautiful new body!

After some time there’s a knock at the door. “Just a minute!” yells Cadence. She quickly fixes her clothes before heading towards the door.

Glancing back at you, Cadence Lux blows a kiss, opens the door and exits.


Cheerleader Revenge

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

Veronica Weston woke up in a cheerleader body, confused, because she was supposed to be a he. The witch had swapped their bodies after getting pissed. Now the man was in Veronica Weston’s body, and he had to practice the cheer routine as instructed in the witch’s note. While practicing, he got horny and started masturbating. He got redressed and left for the match.


Choosing a Girl

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

Cali and Hannah are passed out on sofa, on top of each other. They awake, untangle themselves and are confused about how they ended up there wearing turtlenecks. They introduce each other and realize they can’t leave. An unseen male starts possessing Cali and Hannah, one at a time. He says he’s trying bodies to see which one to keep, feeling up the body (especially female parts). Non possessed girl tries convincing the male to keep the other body and let them go free. Male copies himself into both bodies. Possessed Cali and Hannah make out, then open door with hidden key and leave.


Don’t be stupid 6

Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $15.99.

Reporter Daisy Ducati investigates the “Don’t Be Stupid” campaign with photographer Jolene Hexx.
Jolene drags a naked Daisy into the bedroom. She’s totally stiff, with one finger pointing at nothing in particular, sporting a silly facial expression with mouth hanging open and eyes crossed. Jolene takes some time to make her stand up on her own, then pats her on the cheek. She knocks on her forehead, making Daisy fall backwards on the bed. She poses Daisy in different situations with goofy, off-guard mannequin and love doll-like poses, photographs her, and poses her with O-face, slacked jaw, crossed eyes and open mouth, while shouting encouragement. Once finished, she pinches Daisy on the forehead, making her fall on the bed. Finally, she puts her into a love doll pose with legs and arms apart, funny O-face and crossed eyes.


Doppelganger Dolls

Original price was: $10.99.Current price is: $9.99.

Cali Logan is snooping around her uncle’s house. She comes across the forbidden room and finds something interesting. It’s a life size doll in a pretty dress. Cali is intrigued by the doll . She begins talking to it and playing with it, moving her mouth around and pretending to talk through her. Since she got this far she decides she’s going to do whatever she wants. First she wants the dolls dress. So she begins removing it and changes out her own clothes for the doll’s. It’s a perfect fit. Cali celebrates this and continues fantasizing about all the games she can play with this doll. She notices a piece of paper that has fallen out from the dolls dressed. She picks it up and reads it. Not understanding the words she is saying  out loud,  she soon realizes this was a big mistake. She has spoken out the words that will reverse a spell and cast it back on herself. Suddenly, the doll comes to life. The doll is confused and Cali is shocked! The doll calls Cali out on having stolen her clothes and demands them back. Cali is in over her head. Soon she begins to realize her body is stiffening up. The doll explains that now she will be free to take Cali’s place and that Cali will take hers. The only way she will be released from this spell is for someone else to come along and reverse it just as she did. The real doll takes her clothes back. She sits Cali down and snuggles in close so the two can watch a movie together. Cali is stiff as a board and has now already grown mechanical joints all over. It’s very convenient that these two look so much alike  …they are the doppelganger dolls! Starring Cali Logan & Hannah Perez


Ghost Possession

Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $19.99.

A male ghost stuck in a room since his passing slips into Veronica Weston’s body. He wakes up in her body and is happy to be among the living, touching things and moving objects. He then discovers his new femininity, fascinated by Veronica’s breasts and vagina, feeling her body everywhere. The ghost decides to keep Veronica Weston’s body, so he searches her phone to get more information, trying to smile like in her picture and trying to speak in her voice while listening to voice messages. Veronica Weston puts on clothes, and the ghost enjoys the feeling of putting on and wearing clothes. He’s finally ready to leave the room forever.


Ghost Possessions

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

Well hey there, you are awake. It will be hard for you to understand but Hannah Perez is here to help you with the following steps to make your transition to the afterlife as easy as possible. This will be a class of sorts to help you finish up things with your possible unfinished business. All should go well, your file says you were a good student. Hannah has her notepad in hand and the first task for you is to turn invisible. It takes some time to learn but as long as you concentrate really hard on doing so it should work. Well there you go, you disappeared with no problems. Hannah checks off on her notepad. Next up is floating or levitating, which you get with no problems again. Next up is intangibility, you turn invisible and fly through things. Well you surprise Hannah with flying through her. A little shiver goes up Hannah surprising her, and she didn’t mean fly through her. Still checking off her notepad. Last, Hannah thinks this is the coolest power you have, which is possession. All you do is fly into someone and it may take a couple seconds but you can control everything about them even if they remember or not. Hannah has a boy your age coming up so you can practice and she is expecting a phone call shortly to know that they are coming. But you tell her no and that you want to try it on Hannah. She tells you that she wouldn’t allow you to do that. Then you turn invisible. Looks like Hannah doesn’t have a choice in that matter and you take over her body with no problem. You take that phone call that she mentioned and tell them that it isn’t necessary. Now you get a chance to do what you want with Hannah’s body and you get to check it out. Coming to an end of your fun you get out of Hannah’s body. She wakes up feeling like she blacked out. Well everything is checked and she wishes you luck with your unfinished business.


Happy Halloween BBF

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Penny Lane has experienced a different transfer as Wonder Woman. This transfer has her in a man’s body and he is in hers. He can’t believe that he is now a she, Penny Lane. He takes this time to freak out a little bit and then decides to see what it’s like to work his way around breasts of his own and maybe it’s time for a little solo action. They say it is harder then working a dick. Well that comes to be a lie for himself. He is enjoying every second. Grabbing his own breast now and pussy. He might reconsider switching back.


Hi, I’m Veronica and You’re Not!

Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $17.99.

A guy has taken over Veronica Weston’s body via astral projection.

Veronica Weston is naked in bed. She wakes up slowly, sits up and looks down at her body. She cups her breasts and lowers covers to find her vagina. She explores her body for a minute, and then is startled by a sound. She decides to dress (leaving top for last). Veronica Weston searches for turtleneck sweaters. She finds a few, and pulls a gray turtleneck sweater on. She jumps up and down a few times, and dances around with excitement. She plays with her body for some minutes, then tries on the gap white turtleneck. She continues exploring her body. She checks herself out for a few minutes, gropes her chest, runs hands down over her crotch and plays with a turtleneck. She then picks up her phone, records a message, smiles into the lens, looks down at herself waving goodbye and turns off the camera.