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Chef Hannah 4K

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Hannah Perez is sitting at her kitchen prep table enjoying the early morning scrapbooking and listening to some music on the radio. As she glues recipe articles into her book using a bottle of rubber cement, her booty bounces to the beat of the music. Then Hannah overhears her favorite cooking show starting and listens as the host describes today’s recipe, waffles. They sound so delicious that Hannah Perez is enticed to cook along and quickly tosses aside her scrapbook and gathers all the ingredients/utensils that she will need. However, she forgets to put away her bottle of rubber cement and when it came time to add a dash of baking powder, Hannah instead added globs of rubber cement to her waffle mix. Unaware of her mistake Hannah mixes up her batter which turns into a thick, stiff, and sticky substance.
Next Hannah Perez tried to place some batter into her waffle iron, but the batter refused to separate from the bowl. As she played tug of war with her spoon and batter, Hannah lost her grip and the bowl flung towards the waffle iron. The bowl stuck itself to her waffle iron while Hannah struggled to pull it off. Hannah trips over the waffle iron’s cord and falls backwards knocking over a bowl of fruit. She falls to the floor and lands on a prickly pineapple which stabs her booty. Hannah Perez runs around the table grabbing her sore ass and trying to rub the pain away. She returns to the table and tries to mix her batter again hoping that this will fix the issue. But the batter just got itself twisted up and when it unwound the spoon was turned into a propeller. As the bowl flew up it chased Hannah around, finally crash landing back on the table. Furious Hannah tries to pull the spoon out of the batter, but the sticky substance refuses to let go.
As Hannah fights and struggles with the batter, she falls headfirst into the bowl and the batter immediately glues itself to her face. Unable to free herself Hannah Perez stumbles around the kitchen trying to pull her head out of the batter. She yells and cries out for help, but all can be heard is muffled yelling. Desperate for air Hannah pulls back on the bowl as hard as she can, finally peeling her face off the batter. But she falls backwards and lands her ass in the hot waffle iron. Realized that her booty is on fire she jumps up and runs around her kitchen in a frantic. She looks over and sees her kitchen sink and runs over plopping her butt into a pool of cold water. HannahPerez sighs and moans in relief as the cool water heals her sore and baked booty. She jumps out of the sinks and head back to her prep table, somehow still determined to make her waffles.
Hannah Perez manages to stretch out a long strand of batter from her bowl to her kitchen window, using a nail to hold the batter in place. She grabs her axe and tries to chop up the batter. But the substance has now become unbreakable and as Hannah slams down the axe it simply bounces off the batter and both the axe and Hannah fly up to the ceiling. The axe imbeds itself into the ceiling as Hannah dangles like a chandelier. She jumps down but instantly begins to hear a cracking sound realized that the axe has created a crack that is traveling along the ceiling. The cracks begin to travel down the walls threatening to destroy her kitchen. Hannah Perez runs around closing doors and her kitchen window in order to stop the cracks.
But a crack manages to get by Hannah and tears up the wall to the nailed down piece of batter. The nail falls off and slingshots the bowl through the kitchen, smacking Hannah in the back of the head. She is slammed down on the ground and looks over at her bowl of batter. Having just about enough, Hannah Perez grabs her bowl and takes it to her back door. She opens it up and tosses the bowl outside, with a glob of batter grabbing the doorknob and slamming it shut. With her kitchen nightmare finally over Hannah lets out a sigh of relieve when she hears a knocking on her door. Believing that its company Hannah gets excited, and her beautiful smile returns to her face.
She happily opens the door only to be greeted with a face full of batter. The bowl tosses Hannah Perez back into her kitchen as we hear crashing noises. We see Hannah entangled in her waffle batter creation and her kitchen is completely destroyed. As the radio host cheerfully ends her program Hannah yells out proclaiming, “I’ll gonna get you for one this bitch!!”