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Body Swap Diary 4K

Original price was: $10.99.Current price is: $9.99.

Katie Kush enters, sits down, Deep breath “I can’t believe this happened to me. 1 minute I was minding my own business, the next, I’m in THIS body.” Looks down, at hands, squeezes chest. “And what a body it is. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, but it’s going to take some getting used to” continues groping “this outfit. A turtleneck sweater? Somehow, I feel like I look good. It feels right & I like it” Walks over to a mirror. Examines self, gropes & poses. “I look pretty. That’s not something I ever thought I’d say about myself.” Laughs “I have to admit, there’s a certain thrill to this. I feel like I’m turning heads. But at the same time, it’s disorienting. Everything is so different.” Deep breath. “I don’t know if I’m going to get back to my own body. But for now I’m gonna go get to know myself.”


Teacher Swap

Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $19.99.

A male student was unhappily in love with his teacher, Olive Glass. He found a body swap smell on the internet and recited it and the next morning he woke up in his Teacher- Olive Grass’s room with her body. He started examining the new features. The teacher who was in the body of male student got his call. She got angry and demanded to give her body back. He taunted and claimed to never give it back to her. He then tried her clothes and examined his new looks and got ready for the first day as a woman.


The Spell

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $18.99.

A man, who is jealous of his female boss, Veronica Weston, wants to be her and have her life. He found a spell online that can swap bodies and decided to use this to swap places with his boss. After that he found himself in the morning in a strange Apartment and he inspected his body and knew it worked. He is in the bed and the naked body of his boss. He explores her body, and speaks something that sounds like her. He is so happy his deepest wish is true. So he can’t wait to wear her clothes and decide to put on the outfit from yesterday on. He knew that she was wearing that and smelled it and put her outfit on. He decides to try to put some Makeup on and try to smile and speak like her in the mirror. Then he grabs her purse and goes to the office as her.


Witch Transforms Disrespectful Guy 4K

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

Ziva would then roleplay as the guy in her body and complain about becoming her.
He’s distraught about losing his dick, having to pee sitting(irrationally focused on this complaining) and just generally unhappy with being her. He then starts to explore
his new body and finds that it might not be so bad.