Sumiko Dreams and Anastasia Rose, carrying bags of supplies, hide outside a building, keeping an eye out for zombies. They make a break for a house and make it inside.
Once inside the house, they regroup, putting down the bags of supplies. They take off their overskirts and check to see if they’re still in good condition. They are mad they got separated from the group, blaming each other. They get in each other’s face, shoving and pushing each other. Sumiko Dreams hears zombies and ends the argument, but Anastasia Rose doesn’t like it. She grabs an object, and as Sumiko Dreams walks away she hits her over the head, then tackles her. They wrestle desperately around the room for a bit, punching, slapping, hairpulling, pushing each other’s faces away, biting, hom and rolling. Sumiko Dreams finally gets the best of Anastasia Rose, straddling her. Suddenly, Hannah cocks a gun, holding it to Sumiko Dreams’s head. She interrogates her for a moment, then hears zombies. She hits Sumiko Dreams with the gun, knocking her out. Anastasia Rose screams and trips Hannah. They fight over the gun on the floor, rolling around. Anastasia Rose disarms Hannah, and they fight more intensely. They ram into walls, roll around, scratch, punch, kick, choke, pull hair, choke hold, strangle, eye gouge and smother each other. Hannah rams Anastasia Rose’s head into the ground and runs for the gun. But Anastasia Rose grabs her ankle, and as Hannah is face down she crawls on top of her and gets the gun. Hannah grabs Anastasia Rose’s hand and they fight for the gun, slowly rolling and struggling. Anastasia Rose straddles Hannah body to body and they fight for the gun, until it goes off between them. They look at each other, and Anastasia Rose falls off, shot. Sumiko Dreams wakes up to see this and moans. Hannah fires a couple of shots at her, but Sumiko Dreams takes cover. They hear zombies about to break in. Hannah smiles and takes off with the bag of goods. Sumiko Dreams comes out to see she’s gone, furious. She realizes Anastasia Rose is reanimating, takes out a knife and kills her before she becomes a zombie. She vows revenge and rushes off.