Rise of The Riddler II: Black Canary’s Crippled Cry 4K
Original price was: $18.99.$17.99Current price is: $17.99.Lora Cross (Black Canary) creeps through corridors. She finds a sign, then reaches the top of the belltower. She comes to a door and opens it, leading her into a smoky circus-tented room with Daisy Ducati (dressed as a gypsy) inside. Lora confronts Daisy who tells her to sit down for a card reading. Lora refuses and realizes there’s a strange odor. She then sits down and Daisy produces a tarot deck, which she deals. Daisy shows Lora the Death card saying she will die that night. Lora rises and lets loose her Canary Cry, which doesn’t affect Daisy. Lora is puzzled, and Daisy says the incense disabled her Cry. Daisy rises, slips on a black leather glove and approaches Lora, who swings wildly at her, missing. Daisy lands a blow to Lora’s ribs, who swings and misses again. Daisy lands a loaded fist to her gut, doubling her over. Daisy rains blows down upon Lora, who falls to her knees, and kicks her brutally. Daisy pulls Lora by her hair and sits her in a chair. She straddles Lora, produces a small dagger, which she slides between her ribs. Lora gasps in shock and pain while Daisy moans in pleasure. Daisy produces a scarf soaked with incense and smothers Lora into going out, leaving her slumped in the chair.
Lora wakes up sitting in an examining chair, wrists and ankles bound, and with a dental gag in her mouth. Daisy now wears her Riddler costume and approaches Lora. Lora admits taking out Batgirl and Robin, pulling a medical tray closer. Lora strains against her bonds, her screams muffled by the gag. Daisy decides not to use the medical instruments, caressing Lora’s body from behind. She walks to the table and gets an electronic component and set of headphones. She places the headphones on Lora, kisses her and switches on the device. As she adjusts the frequency, Lora stiffens and groans, shaking. As she increases the rate, Lora’s groans grow shriller in pitch, pulling her head back, her eyes and nose going red. Daisy increases the rate and Lora falls silent, her brain destroyed, slumping forward. Daisy switches off the device and walks away, laughing and giggling.