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Anything for a Swig

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.


Jayln and Devilin went out for a run today. They managed to get lost in the woods. Desperate, they knock on the door to the only house in sight. The owner opens the door, and lets them in. Jayln and Devilin explain their situation, begging the owner for a drink. At first everything seems normal enough. The owner stalls. Devilin and Jayln push for the drink of water. Now they begin to question why she won’t just get them something to drink? The owner then reveals that she is an erotic photographer, and that Jayln and Devilin would make great subjects for her photography. Devilin is reluctant. Jayln feels the same, but ultimately they both concede that this may be their only chance to get the water they desperately need. Hestitantly, Devilin and Jayln follow the homeowner’s instructions to remove their clothes down to their bra and panties only. The embarrassment doesn’t stop there.


Interview Bait and Switch

Original price was: $13.99.Current price is: $12.99.

Luna Eclipse has arrived for her office job interview, dressed in a business suit and jacket. The interview begins and Luna is confident about gunning for the position. However, she gets thrown a curveball when the interviewer tells her that full nudity is required in order to be considered for the job. Shocked but desperate for her dream job, Luna Eclipse goes along to get along.


Principal’s Parade Punishment

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

Jenna Noelle is typically an “A” student. She doesn’t ever get in trouble. However, today Jenna took her chances and wore a crop top to school. The principal has called Jenna Noelle into her office. After receiving a few minutes of punishment foreplay from the principal, she finally reveals to Jenna Noelle the reason for her being in trouble. Jenna Noelle is resistant and tries every step of the way to back out of the situation, but the principal isn’t having it. Jenna Noelle is to be made an example of, says the principal. She instructs Jenna Noelle to strip out of her clothing completely, first in front of the principal alone in her office, but next, and worst of all, Jenna Noelle will have to parade naked around the crowded school hallways during lunch hour!


Retail Manager Faux Pas

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Application candidate Devilin has come in for a retail manager job interview. She comes in very confident and immediately starts pitching herself to the interviewer. Devilin is in for a surprise though, as the interviewer eventually reveals that part of the job is being willing to strip down to bra and panties for a “body inspection”. Excuse me?? The interviewer insists that this is standard protocol in going through the applicant process. Devilin doesn’t know what to do, but will she succumb to enough pressure if it means getting the job?

After some convincing, Devilin decides to go along with this outrageous request!