Rachel Adams and Hannah Perez argued over who had the better ass and who was the most dominant. They claimed to have the best ass and made catty remarks to each other. Hannah Perez said to Rachel Adams that she will stripe her down and show who the most dominant wrestler is. After some time, she said that she will stink face Rachel Adams and show who has the best ass to which Rachel Adams said that she will do the same with Hannah Perez making her run out of the room crying. And so the match began with both grappling each other. They exchanged trash talk and Rachel Adams stripped off Hannah Perez exposing her bra. Hannah Perez got embarrassed and covered up and Rachel Adams started laughing and taunted her. Hannah Perez got up and took down Rachel Adams. She mounted Rachel Adams and took off her shirt. Now Rachel Adams was embarrassed and covered up while Hannah Perez was laughing and taunting her. Rachel Adams got up and they both started circling each other to wrestle. They trash-talked about how much they both will enjoy stripping down one another and stink facing. They spanked each other and trash talked. Eventually, Rachel Adams locked in a rear-naked choke on Hannah Perez and put her to out. She got cocky and bragged about her
ass to be better. Rachel Adams stood over and began taking off Hannah Perez’s shorts. Hannah Perez reversed her and stripped off Rachel Adams’s shorts. She exposed her butts in a thong. Rachel Adams screamed, and Hannah Perez laughed, parading her shorts around. Hannah Perez bent over Rachel Adams taunting her about the stink facing her. However, the opposite happened. Rachel Adams painted her and exposed her butt this time. She even made Hannah
Perez sit against the wall and stink faced her. Hannah Perez felt disgusted and told her that it stank. All the while Rachel Adams was bragging about her dominance shaking her ass and taunting, laughing at Hannah Perez, who got up and ran out of the room crying.