
Perfect Storm

Original price was: $8.99.Current price is: $7.99.

Cadence Lux and Misty Lovelace are sitting on the couch on this stormy afternoon just talking. Until Cadence spots something, then they both look at it. Once they do and a snap is followed they are no longer themselves. Cadence and Misty both walk back and forth in opposite directions saying “I will obey” at separate times. Once the snap of the fingers is heard again, they begin acting like monkeys. Picking each others hair bouncing around. After monkeys they becomes cats, purring and licking themselves clean. The snap is heard again and they begin taking each others clothes off. One at a time with each piece. Misty takes off Cadence’s shirt then Cadence takes off Misty’s shirt. This is the process with each piece of clothing until they stand there completely naked and submissive. A start to the end with them lightly kissing.


Cadence Lux and Misty Lovelace are sitting on the couch on this stormy afternoon just talking. Until Cadence spots something, then they both look at it. Once they do and a snap is followed they are no longer themselves. Cadence and Misty both walk back and forth in opposite directions saying “I will obey” at separate times. Once the snap of the fingers is heard again, they begin acting like monkeys. Picking each others hair bouncing around. After monkeys they becomes cats, purring and licking themselves clean. The snap is heard again and they begin taking each others clothes off. One at a time with each piece. Misty takes off Cadence’s shirt then Cadence takes off Misty’s shirt. This is the process with each piece of clothing until they stand there completely naked and submissive. A start to the end with them lightly kissing.


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