
The Soccer Match

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Hannah and Lora play soccer on oposing teams. First half Hannah is offensive and Lora defensive, then they switch. Defender runs into frame to try to take the ball from ofender, who makes her fall, trip or avoid her, then score goal. After some quick scenes, Hannah flirts with camera (coach) enjoying her win. Lora, jealous, comes from behind and does rear over-arms/arms pinned bearhug, but Hannah flings hands and elbows Lora in stomach. Hannah backlists Lora knocking her. Then they repeat scene with reversed roles.


Hannah and Lora play soccer on oposing teams. First half Hannah is offensive and Lora defensive, then they switch. Defender runs into frame to try to take the ball from ofender, who makes her fall, trip or avoid her, then score goal. After some quick scenes, Hannah flirts with camera (coach) enjoying her win. Lora, jealous, comes from behind and does rear over-arms/arms pinned bearhug, but Hannah flings hands and elbows Lora in stomach. Hannah backlists Lora knocking her. Then they repeat scene with reversed roles.


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