Showing 25–36 of 65 results


Hannah Goes Too Far

Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $17.99.

Hannah challenges Sumiko to a boxing match after Sumiko posted embarrassing pictures of her on Twitter. Sumiko accepts the challenge. Hannah beats Sumiko down until she goes unconscious. Whenever Sumiko goes down, Hannah picks her back up. Lucy tries to stop Hannah, but she keeps beating unconscious Sumiko. Lucy finally knocks down Hannah and drags Sumiko out of the room.


Hannah Vs. Sumiko Boxing Match

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

Hannah Perez and Sumiko Dreams both are training in the same gym for their first fights and they don’t like each other. They start arguing with each other. There is some pushing and shoving. Sumiko challenges Hannah to step outside and fight. Hannah put her hands up and tells Sumiko “lets fight right here.” They both decide to settle it in the ring. They trash talk each other as they put their gloves on.

Hannah and Sumiko go nose to nose and agree to a fight with gym rules. Best of 3 KO’s with the loser of each round getting schoolgirl pinned. A few minutes later they appear in the ring. They touch gloves and the fight starts.

Round One

They size up their opponent and slowly begin feeling each other out.

Sumiko takes control and then Hannah gains control.

Sumiko gets knocked down. Hannah stands over her and counts, but Sumiko gets up at 8.

Hannah controls and knocks her down again. Hannah gets to 9, but Sumiko is up and tries to clinch Hannah with body shots. Sumiko drops her hands and Hannah ends it with a left hook.

Hannah counts to 10 and victory poses and trash talks. Hannah then schoolgirl pins Sumiko and lets her know who is the better fighter. Double Bicep Pose.

Round 2

Same as Round 1 except Sumiko is the winner. Hannah gets knocked down twice and then KOed. Schoolgirl pin by Sumiko pinning Hannah and paying her back for the 1st round. Trash talking and double bicep posing.

Round 3

The round begins even as they battle back and forth. Sumiko goes down then, Hannah goes down. Hannah slowly takes charge and begins landing 2 or 3 punches to 1. Sumiko goes down but is up at 8. Then Hannah scores the knockout and celebrates and trash talks. Hannah then schoolgirl pins Sumiko and tells POV to take a picture of the winner. She poses for a couple of pictures and ask for a copy of them. Hannah says she wants Sumiko to remember this day forever. It ends with Hannah doing a foot on chest victory pose with a double bicep pose.


Hannah VS. Sumiko Boxing Rematch

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Sumiko Dreams has been training hard for this rematch. They go down with school girl pins. They both go blow for blow with belly punches, hooks and jabs. Hannah Perez thinks she gets Sumiko down but by the count of 8 she is back up for a couple more hits, but Hannah gets her pin and victory pose. The second round Hannah thought she got Sumiko down for the count. When Sumiko gets up Hannah thought she was doing Sumiko a favor with getting a free shot. Well she didn’t know that hit was actually going to help Sumiko. Sumiko took full advantage of the second round with Hannah being weak. Sumiko kept going in with jabs and hooks. Hannah was not as strong, like she was starting out the challenge. Sumiko knocked Hannah down with an uppercut but it didnt keep her down. Sumiko went in with a combo hit and Hannah stayed down. Sumiko did her schoolgirl pin, and made sure to get her pictures of her winning this fight.


Hannah’s Belly Beatdown

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Hannah Perez is getting ready for a night out when Lucy Purr barges in and confronts her. Hannah has a prizefight the following night but Lucy was hired by Hannah’s opponent to soften up the competition. The two square up and Hannah takes the first swing. Lucy dodges the move and quickly exploits Hannah’s weakness: her stomach! Hannah Perez is dropped to a knee, clutching her gut as she says “Oh my stomach!” What ensues is a total beatdown of Hannah’s gut who can only grunt and moan in pain as she holds her stomach. She asks Lucy how she discovered her weakness but her attacker only laughs and continuously mocks her. One final deep punch to the gut leaves Hannah reeling as she falls to the floor clutching her gut in pain as Lucy Purr says sarcastically: “Good luck on your match tomorrow night” before leaving.


Hooters MMA: Sumiko Vs Claire

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Sumiko Dreams knows Claire Irons is going to be tough, but she is sure she is going to win. Claire just says she is going to win by knocking out the champ. Round one begins and Sumiko wasn’t prepared for Claire. Clarie is quick on her feet and she wants that title. Claire irons gets Sumiko in a sleeper hold and Sumiko refuses to tap out. But she does manage to get out of it. Claire gets Sumiko in a clutch and she gets a tap. Claire wonders how the champ is feeling.

Round two Sumiko tells Claire she won’t take it easy this time. But really Sumiko had no idea what she has gotten herself into with this Claire Irons. She is ruthless and bad to the bone fighter. She is quick and she might take a couple hits but will that be it for her. As they go into round three, Sumiko is fired up. Sumiko goes in throwing punch after punch. Claire wasn’t expecting it which made it that much better for the Champ. Sumiko does a ground and pound. Until Claire tries to make a move but Sumiko gets Claire in a RNC. Claire finally taps and Sumiko has to do a victory dance for that. She couldn’t believe she won. But she will take her victory pose.

Sumiko knew this was tough fight but she pulled it out.


It is Good to See You Again, Sumiko Style

Original price was: $10.99.Current price is: $9.99.

Hannah Perez and Sumiko Dreams are happy to see each other. Sumiko wants to fight Hannah, but Hannah doesn’t. Sumiko gives Hannah a shove, and Hannah shoves back. They start fighting. Sumiko puts Hannah in headlock and takes her to mats. Sumiko makes Hannah tap out. Sumiko puts Hannah in reverse head scissors. Hannah struggles but taps. Sumiko puts Hannah in triangle choke. Hannah struggles but taps. Sumiko puts Hannah in rear naked choke. Hannah struggles but taps. Sumiko wants to put gloves on for boxing. They square of, and Sumiko lands some left jabs. Sumiko lands perfect left hook, making Hannah stagger. She waits until she stops staggering and hits her with perfect right cross KO punch. Sumiko counts to 10, then does celebration dance, victory pose and talks trash.


Lets Take it Outside

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

Hannah Perez is talking to Todd, her coach, thanking him for training her and talking about how she has beef with Sofia. Hannah thinks Sofia needs an ass beating. Hannah wants Todd to watch and coach her through the match. Sofia stands outside waiting for Hannah. Once Hannah is out there they size each other up and begin boxing. They both go blow for blow the first match. Although Hannah gets hit with a nice hook, but she gets back up at the count of 8. Hannah talks to Todd and tells him that she thinks she has to change her strategy and that Sofia caught her off guard. They begin going blow for blow again with Hannah getting a few more swings in. Sofia goes down but she gets up at the count of 8. Hannah trash talks and tells Sofia to catch her breath. Hannah tells Todd she’s ready for round 3 to take her down again. Hannah begins getting her hits in and dodges Sofia’s attempts. Hannah gets Sofia down quickly but she gets back up at the count of 6. Hannah is showing Sofia no mercy. Sofia goes down again and gets up just before 10. Hannah is excited that she is winning and Todd tells her what to do for the last round. Hannah goes for body shots making Sofia weak. Hannah hits Sofia with a right hook then a left hook and Sofia goes down and stays down.


Little Sister Boxing

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Some girl named “Angela”, POV, walks up to Sumiko Dreams to challenge her to a boxing match. She confronts Sumiko for having beaten her brother in a boxing match, but having done so dirty, Angela is here to avenge her brother. They both trash talk for a minute, agree to a match, warm up and stare each other down.

In round 1, things don’t look too good for Sumiko Dreams. Angela knocks Sumiko down, counts to 6, and wins the round. Angela gloats in her defeat. The match isn’t over yet though.

It’s round 2 and Angela is already tired. Sumiko Dreams takes over and dominates Angela in this round, scoring a late knockdown. This time it’s Sumiko’s turn to talk trash. “I will admit though, you’re better than your weak bitch-ass brother!” Sumiko taunts.

Round 3 is a repeat of round 2, with Sumiko dominating, scoring a knockdown and this time knocking Angela out. Sumiko stands in a victory pose over her victim, counts to 10 and revels in her victory this time.

Some time later, Sumiko Dreams finds Angela in the locker room. Sumiko suggests to her that she train with Sumiko, and then later beat up her jerk brother. Angela agrees.

Fade in, Sumiko stands over POV, this time big brother. She counts to 10, declaring Angela the winner by KO in the 5th round. The two girls enjoy this victory together!


Locker Room Gossip

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

Eden the school girl is in the gym, uniform and boxing gloves on. She challenges Stephanie (POV) to a boxing match by stating that she is going to kick her ass for talking smack in the locker room. POV isn’t worried and accepts the challenge.
The match begins. Eden gives and takes some hits, but seems to dominate her rival.. Throughout the match Eden remains confident about her impending victory. She sends POV down several times with her combo moves. POV manages to get up each time, until the final round. Stephanie is about to eat her words. Eden stands over POV in a proud pose, gloating over her victory and challenging her next opponent, Hannah Perez, to a fight.