$11.99Original price was: $11.99.$10.99Current price is: $10.99.
You come back to box with Vonka Romanov, but last time she won. Vonka is confident that she will win because she has already taken you down. The first swing is in a stun her. Vonka and you go blow for blow, showing her that you have done some training since the last time. But Vonka wasnt ready for the amount of training you have had. The winner is you!! Vonka cant say anything after this round.
$18.99Original price was: $18.99.$17.99Current price is: $17.99.
Macy Nikole is here to take you on in a boxing match. You each take turns giving and receiving blows to the stomach and face to start. Macy has lots of energy and you know it’s going to be a while. For a stretch you seem to get lots of punches on Macy. She reels but does not relent. Every now and then, you get a punch in on her boob or crotch. Eventually, Macy Nikole goes down.
When she gets back up, she acknowledges how the game is played. Apparently, this is a boxing match where the loser must remove a piece of clothing for each knockout. Macy removes her top and is down to her sports bra and shorts.
You begin boxing again. It seems you are dominating for quite a while. You give lots of blow to her tits and she reacts very weakened by this. She gets her spunk right back though and you start going …”tit for tat” a bit more. 😉 This still doesn’t fare well for Macy Nikole, who you knock down and out again.
This time when Macy gets up, she removes her shorts. You continue boxing. Macy keeps egging you on throughout. Getting weaker doesn’t stop Macy Nikole from talking trash. You each continue to exchange harsh blows. Macy grunts and groans from the attack and eventually succumbs to a series of punches done in rapid succession.
Macy Nikole is down for the fourth time. When she gets up, she takes off her underwear as dictated by the game. Fully nude and exposed, she’s ready to take you on again. Macy Nikole breathes heavier, wearing down but still wanting to fight and prove her victory. This round you get several cunt busts in on Macy Nikole. She becomes especially unfond of your cuntbusting attacks.
As expected, Macy Nikole is the loser of this match as you knock her down a fourth time. She lays spread eagle on the floor.
$10.99Original price was: $10.99.$9.99Current price is: $9.99.
Sumiko Dreams argues with hubby about fighting with Maya, when Maya arrives. They agree on rules, trash talk and put on gloves and headgear. They stare down and trash talk, the bell rings.
In round 1, they feel each other out. Maya starts dominating, knocking Sumiko down, but she’s up at 8.
Between rounds, Sumiko and hubby argue, and she trash talks Maya and hubby.
In round 2, Sumiko is knocked down early, but up at 8. She makes a comeback, and they both trade punches till the bell rings.
Between rounds, she trash talks hubby and Maya.
In round 3, they trade punches, but Sumiko takes charge and knocks down Maya.
Between rounds, Sumiko tells Maya she’ll KO in the next round.
In round 4, Sumiko knocks Maya down for 8 counts. She then scores KO, counts to 10. She does celebration dance, trash talks, and victory poses. She tells hubby to take her out. She does dome flexing and posing, and asks herself if she should punch her hubby.
$11.99Original price was: $11.99.$10.99Current price is: $10.99.
Hannah Perez is talking to Todd her coach. She has been preparing for this fight for a while. Hannah can’t remember the girls name and she is ready to beat her. Anabelle Pync walks in and the bell goes off after they look at each other for a brief second. They are both going hit for hit but Hannah wins the first round. Hannah is pretty cocky and she doesn’t think she is going to have a problem for the next two rounds. Hannah loses the second round and calls Anabelle a sore winner just because she is happy she won that round. The following round no one won because Anabelle was saved by the bell when Hannah started counting. But the last round Hannah didnt take any time getting Anabelle down. Anabelle just didn’t stay down to the count of 10. But this last round was made for Hannah. Hannah was able to count to 10 and she is the fourth time winner. Hannah talks trash while Anabelle is out on the ground.
$10.99Original price was: $10.99.$9.99Current price is: $9.99.
Oiled Valentina and Hannah rest in their corners, opposite each other. They spread their legs as they wait for the bell. The bell rings, they approach the center to touch gloves.
During the fight they keep their hands high, maintaining a slightly wide stance. They bounce and sway lightly, and slowly and deliberately box and feel each other out. They do mostly jabs and face punches, with some closeup punches with spit. When punched, they grunt and moan. They both eventually get knocked down once, with the opposite girl leading a ten count. The scene ends with the bell ringing. They hug, then kiss with mouth guards still in.
$11.99Original price was: $11.99.$10.99Current price is: $10.99.
Sumiko Dreams opens the scene talking to the camera with confidence. She is about to go up against Hannah Perez in a bare fisted fight. The camera pans to Hannah. Hannah Perez seems to have the same feeling about her own upcoming victory. The referee calls the match and it’s game on for these two.
Sumiko and Hannah each take turns swinging at and ducking from each other’s jabs, hooks and crosses. They send several blows to the face and throw in some body shots as well. Sumiko Dreams ultimately scores the first knockdown, and she repeats this in the second round. Sumiko does a victory pose while the fallen Hannah Perez collects herself and gets back up.
Round three. Sumiko is in the lead, but Hannah remains hopeful. Her confidence leads to her scoring a knockdown. Sumiko Dreams is down and Hannah takes a moment to enjoy this. Sumiko gets up the two are back to bare-fisted punching. Sumiko last for a bit, but gets knocked down again in this fourth round.
The match continues. Sumiko and Hannah keep things pretty even, until Sumiko sends Hannah back down to the ground. Hannah dusts herself off and resumes fighting. But, she’s pretty heavily weakened and begins taking way more hits than she successfully gives. Sumiko is able to dodge most of Hannah’s sloppy attempts.
Hannah Perez is pretty well out of sorts, and Sumiko scores a couple more knockdowns. Sumiko circles her once again fallen opponent, but Hannah says nothing. It appears Hannah is down and out. Sumiko Dreams stands over hannah Perez in triumph, doing her victory pose and declaring herself the winner of the match!
$10.99Original price was: $10.99.$9.99Current price is: $9.99.
Today’s the day! Hannah Perez shows up to your place ready for your fighting match. It’s a totally legit fight and the terms are set: if Hannah wins, she gets to keep all the money you’ve put up; if you win, well — you can do whatever you want with Hannah because she will be asleep for it! But do you think Hannah would show up and put that on the table if she thought there was any chance it could actually happen? Hannah is 100% confident she will win this match, because she always does. The fight begins pretty one-sided. Hannah gets quite a few jabs in while she taunts you a bit. Eventually though you surprise her with some moves of your own that she doesn’t see coming. You are going tit for tat at first but Hannah starts getting dizzy and sloppy so you get more damage in. She is swinging and missing but you keep catching her off her guard and nailing her square in the face. Now she’s a silly cross-eyed mess by the end of the match. She goes down a few times and manages to get back up, and finally you deliver one last blow which knocks her out! Hannah is asleep on the floor and you have won the match. Hmm, what next…?
$8.99Original price was: $8.99.$7.99Current price is: $7.99.
So you’re back for more, huh, hot ? Well, you might have won our boxing match last time, but this time I’m stronger and faster. I’ve been practicing a lot. You ready to go down? Try and swing at me, I’ll dodge every one of your punches and counter with much harder ones. At the end of the round, I go all out on you landing punch after punch from all directions. I can’t believe you’re stlll standing. Here, let’s change that. BAM! down you go. Now I tower over you in my victory pose and prance around gloating about being the winner! FEAT Misty Lovelace
$12.99Original price was: $12.99.$11.99Current price is: $11.99.
School girls Hannah Perez and Ludella Hahn meet in the gym. They give each other dirty looks and Ludella begins antagonizing Hannah, teasing her for losing her last match to Sumiko. Hannah is confident and challenges Ludella to a boxing match, maintaining her status as champ. They put on their gloves and stare each other down.
Round 1 begins with Ludella dominating. She scores and knocks Hannah down with her repeated jabs. The round is over, but the match has just started.
In round 2, Ludella starts cocky and gets sloppy. Hannah takes advantage of this and gains the upper hand, landing punch after hook after jab. Hannah knocks Ludella down, but she is not out. At the count of 8, Ludella is on her knees. Hannah demands that she get up or else. The bell rings.
In the final round, Ludella is worn out. Hannah dominates again, and takes Ludella down with a winning combo. Ludella is out. Hannah gloats, straddles Ludella and does a double bicep victory pose. Hannah Perez looks into the camera and arrogantly proclaims her victory yet again.
$11.99Original price was: $11.99.$10.99Current price is: $10.99.
Lora Cross and Sumiko Dreams came back from the pool when Lora Cross challenged Sumiko Dreams to a fight. They both got into the fighting stances and traded punches. Sumiko Dreams dominated and knocked out Lora Cross over and over again. In the end, Sumiko Dreams knocked out Lora Cross with right cross and danced striking victory poses.
$15.99Original price was: $15.99.$14.99Current price is: $14.99.
Hannah Perez and Enchantress Sahrye face off in this friendly-turned-competitive boxing match. They take turns with the upper landing jab after jab repeatedly on their opponent. THese girls are tough though. They don’t go down easily. Who will be the last boxer standing?
$15.99Original price was: $15.99.$14.99Current price is: $14.99.
As Hannah Perez approaches the Schoolgirl Boxing Champ that she lost against, Sumiko Dreams. Hannah tells Sumiko that she feels she should have a rematch. Sumiko laughs a little and tells Hannah she doesn’t think she deserves a rematch. Hannah finds that offensive and questions the fact that Sumiko doesn’t think she deserves a rematch or that she is afraid. After that comment Sumiko is ready to propose a deal to Hannah. Schoolgirl pins only, best two out of three, all 10 counts. Sumiko asks if Hannah is okay with that since she is so confident. They stretch and then go toe to toe. Hannah starts off strong winning the first 2 out of 3. The second match begins and Hannah schoolgirl pins Sumiko. But after that Sumiko says she has had enough. It was time to take Hannah down and that is just what she did. Hannah lost the last two schoolgirl pin matches and Sumiko was fired up to keep going. The boxing match starts next.
30 minutes later and the boxing bell starts the round. Sumiko was landing blow after blow. Needless to say Hannah wouldn’t.. or couldn’t stand a chance to Sumiko the schoolgirl boxing champ. Sumiko keeps her title and continues the rightful trash talking that Hannah once again deserves. Guessing she better train up before she challenges Sumiko again.